JURNAL AKADEMIKA https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika <p align="justify">Jurnal Akademika merupakan media publikasi hasil penelitian dari para akademisi serta praktisi yang berkenaan dengan teknologi informasi dengan beberapa topik bahasan meliputi sistem informasi, jaringan komputer, keamanan sistem, multimedia, kecerdasan buatan, dan sistem pakar. Jurnal Akademika dikelola dibawah Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat STMIK Nurdin Hamzah Jambi yang rutin terbit 2 kali setahun pada bulan april dan november.&nbsp;</p> en-US pariyadi.twn@gmail.com (Pariyadi) pariyadi.twn@gmail.com (Pariyadi) Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:50:07 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 SISTEM INFORMASI AKADEMIK PONDOK PESANTREN TAHFIDZUL QUR’AN NURUL KHOIR JAMBI BERBASIS WEB https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1110 <p><em>Academic Information System (SIAKAD) is an application that integrates all the main processes of an Education business, into an information system supported by information technology. At the Tahfidzul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School NurulKhoir Jambi for the academic system and information delivery still use a manual system, so the delivery of information is rather slow to the public and students, for this reason a new system is needed, namely the Tahfidzul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School Academic Information System NurulKhoir Web-Based Jambi with php programming language and MySQL database. In building this Web-based Academic Information System, there are several input requirements, namely user data, tuition payment data, news data, educator data, student data, curriculum data, subject data, schedule data, learning method data, registration requirements data. For process needs such as student page processes, educator page processes and other processes. For output needs such as tuition payment data reports, student data reports, and value data reports. With this system, the public can more easily get information and provide advice to the Tahfidzul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School NurulKhoir Jambi, and it is hoped that this system will make it easier for the community and students, as well as the Tahfidzul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School NurulKhoir Jambi.</em></p> lucy simorangkir, Maman Rudi Yaman Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL AKADEMIKA https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1110 Mon, 20 Nov 2023 10:31:44 +0000 SISTEM INFORMASI PENJUALAN KACAMATA PADA OPTIK CITRA BERBASIS WEBSITE https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1128 <p><em>Optics is a tool that works on the principle of light. Optical tools facilitate human life in seeing or perpetuating everything. This study aims to build a sipin optical image information system in order to increase sales for the store, by selling goods to consumers online which so far are still manual. This system is built using the PHP programming language and uses the Mysql database storage media. The inputs are admin data, product data, catalog data, order data, customer data and order confirmation. The input data will be processed in menu ordering and transactions. Meanwhile, the output produced is in the form of customer reports, product reports and order reports. The results show that with the construction of this application, the ordering process, transactions, and information are faster to customers so as to minimize errors and the process of reporting to the owner of the Sipin optical image can be achieved without any errors.</em></p> Nila Wati, Riswan, Amel Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL AKADEMIKA https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1128 Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:02:43 +0000 SISTEM INFORMASI PENGOLAHAN DATA PADA TOKO USAHA BARU https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1127 <p><em>Toko Usaha Baru is the subject of research where the management of sales data and stock of incoming and outgoing goods at this Toko Usaha Baru still uses a manual recording system into a large agenda book. The items that have been recorded a&nbsp; 6re then calculated using a calculator to find out the total consumer purchases. Furthermore, for processing monthly sales and stock data reports, the shop owner must recap it from the existing large agenda book notes. After being analyzed and evaluated as a whole, it is necessary to develop an information system for the activities of Toko Usaha Baru&nbsp; which is later expected to be able to expand marketing, speed up the process and produce information more quickly, precisely and accurately in accordance with the wishes of the owner. The goal is to make it easier for Toko Usaha Baru&nbsp; owner to manage goods and financial data, make it easier for shop owners to manage item data and make it easier for shop owners to control debts and receivables</em></p> Windy Adriana, Ahmad Louis, Emillia Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL AKADEMIKA https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1127 Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:04:40 +0000 SISTEM INFORMASI REKAM MEDIS PASIEN PADA KLINIK PAKTEK DOKTER BERSAMA BERBASIS WEB https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1112 <p><em>The Joint Doctor's Practice Clinic is a practice that serves the treatment of various diseases. In the data processing process using handwriting, so that there are problems in processing medical record data, namely to get patient information, visit information, diagnostic information and doctor information, it still takes a relatively long time because they have to search for information manually in the medical record book. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current system, in order to overcome the problems faced at the Joint Doctor's Practice Clinic, by designing a Patient Medical Record Information System at the Joint Doctor's Practice Clinic. Research Framework that will be carried out in solving the problems discussed, namely, identifying problems, data collection, data analysis, system design, implementation, system testing to the maintenance phase. The system development method uses a waterfall model, the implementation of this research uses the PHP programming language and MySQL DBMS. To produce a data processing application that is expected to facilitate the processing of medical record data and the manufacture of medical record reports</em></p> Elzas, Yeni Nurjani, Wita Putriani Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL AKADEMIKA https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1112 Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:21:45 +0000 SISTEM INFORMASI PENERIMAAN SISWA BARU ACHMADDIN BERBASIS WEBSITE https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1113 <p><em>In the data processing process using handwriting, so there are still many obstacles in data processing, such as the difficulty of recording registration data, planning previously planned activities because the data search process is slow, the data does not appear automatically so you have to write Jambi absence of a database. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current system, in order to overcome the problems encountered in the Achmaddin Kindergarten Early Childhood Unit in Jambi City, by designing a Web-Based Information System for Admission of New Student Participants at the Achmaddin Early Childhood Unit in Jambi City. Research Framework The stages that will be carried out in solving the problems discussed are identifying, searching for information based on theoretical foundations, collecting data using observation Achmaddin Early Childhood Unit in Jambi City. The system development method uses a waterfall model, the implementation of this research uses the PHP programming language and MySQL DBMS, to produce data processing applications that are expected to facilitate data processing and report generation.</em></p> Riswan Riswan, Nilawati Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL AKADEMIKA https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1113 Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:22:17 +0000 SISTEM INFORMASI STOK PADA PD. KOPI AYAM RASS JAMBI BERBASIS WEB https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1114 <p><em>Trading Company (PD) AYAM RASS” is a company engaged in the production of ground coffee. Currently, the process of processing inventory stock data is still done manually, so it takes a long time and is less accurate. The purpose of this research is to design and build an information system capable of managing stock data or handling files and for operational transactions. This information system is built using the PHP programming language, HTML with MySQL database on XAMPP. The input data needed are incoming goods data, outgoing goods data, stock data, customer data reports. The process carried out is the processing of stock data, the processing of incoming goods and outgoing goods, the processing of calculating the stock, the processing of customer data, the process of making monthly reports, while the output is in the form of incoming goods reports, outgoing goods reports, warehouse goods reports. The expected result of this research is to create a web-based inventory information system that can simplify and speed up the process of delivering inventory information</em></p> Merti Megawati, Sri Mulyati, Aprianto Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL AKADEMIKA https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1114 Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:22:54 +0000 SISTEM INFORMASI USAHA MIKRO KECIL DAN MENENGAH KABUPATEN BATANGHARI PADA DINAS KOPERASI PERINDUSTRIAN DAN PERDAGANGAN https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1115 <p><em>Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Batanghari is one important part of the economy in Batanghari. Changing times, a lot of people can make their own efforts. Along with the many businesses in the distric of Batanghari so many businesses doing promotions for their business continuity. In line with this web-based information system that can hold information about the micro, small, and medium enterprises based web can be a mass promotion for SMEs in Batanghari.</em></p> Sri Mulyati , Tamrinsyah, Sisi Mayola Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL AKADEMIKA https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1115 Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:23:22 +0000 SIPUD (SISTEM PELAYANAN USAHA MIKRO KECIL DAN MENENGAH DESA) BERBASIS WEB PADA DESA PRINGKASAP https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/999 <p>(<em>MSME sector services can be more effective and efficient if accompanied by the development of technology that supports them. Making business certificates (SKU) at the Pringkasap Village office is still manual, bookkeeping reports are still recorded using handwriting, MSME data collection obtained from RT data collection is also not comprehensive. In addition, the lack of socialization regarding the program for submitting a halal logo on home products is the scope of this problem. Therefore, the authors designed a computerized website for creating SKUs and data collection for UMKM to facilitate data processing, both in adding, changing, deleting, storing and searching data. The author also includes the flow of the halal certification process on the website page to expand the socialization of the program.</em></p> Tari Komalasari, Nining Suryani, Ilham Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL AKADEMIKA https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/999 Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:24:23 +0000 SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN THE BEST MEDICAL EMPLOYEE BERBASIS WEB MENGGUNAKAN METODE SIMPLE ADDITIVE WEIGHTING(SAW) (STUDI KASUS : STARTUP KEI MEDIKA) https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1116 <p><em>Efficient assessment of medical employees is crucial for delivering quality healthcare services. This research proposes a Web-based Decision Support System (DSS) employing the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method to evaluate top employees and outstanding medical staff in the Kei Medika startup. The system assigns weights to evaluation criteria, generating rankings for employees. System evaluation results demonstrate efficiency and consistency in assessments. This technology aids in enhancing medical service quality by identifying high-performing staff.</em></p> Lailyn Puad, Rike Limia Budiarti, Jefry Alfianto Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL AKADEMIKA https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1116 Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:25:35 +0000 PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI PENDATAAN WARGA NEGARA ASING (WNA) PADA KANTOR IMIGRASI KELAS 1 TPI JAMBI MENGGUNAKAN MOBILE WEB https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1117 <p><em>In 1992, based on Law Number 9 of 1992 concerning Immigration, Article 1 paragraph 15 states that immigration quarantine is a temporary shelter for foreigners who are subject to expulsion or deportation proceedings or other immigration measures. This is of course related to the immigration law, hence the term immigration quarantine as the beginning of Rundenim. . The Rudenim is led by a Head who has duties in the field of detention of foreigners, whose function is to take action, isolate and carry out the task of expulsion or deportation. In order for the data of foreign nationals to be processed properly, an application is needed that can support the work of the immigration office to record data properly and stored properly. That way it can make it easier to know the extent to which foreign nationals carry out their activities in Jambi Province. By using a mobile web device it will help staff who get the task of supervising and escorting them. The research was only conducted at the Jambi TPI Class 1 Immigration office. Applications are made using the PHP programming language and databases using MySql. With this design, it will make it easier for field officers to check and find out the whereabouts of foreign nationals in Jambi Province.</em></p> Darex Susanto, Tetra Setiawan, Heri Zulkifli Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL AKADEMIKA https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1117 Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:34:22 +0000 RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI STOK OBAT PADA APOTEK ARICK BERIZIN KABUPATEN BATANG HARI https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1106 <p><em>The author took the initiative to build an application that can help manage pharmacy drug stock data to make it more effective and efficient which will be built with the Visual Basic NET programming language. This thesis uses a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection methods through observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the research obtained, the following conclusions are obtained: building a collaboration in the IT sector that is able to make it easier to process drug stock data at licensed Arick pharmacies in the form of Visual Basic.NET. With the information system at the Licensed Arick Pharmacy, this can provide convenience and minimize errors in processing drug inventory data and creating a better working system.</em></p> Mulyadi Rusli, Irma Suana, Agung Romadi Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL AKADEMIKA https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1106 Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:35:30 +0000 APLIKASI E-COMMERCE DAN MANAJEMEN SERVICE (STUDI KASUS : SMARTCOMP STORE OFFICIAL) https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1118 <p><em>SmartComp is a business engaged in the sale of computer equipment, accessories, and services. The image and prestige in the eyes of the public is enough to raise the name of this business. However, these businesses still have major obstacles in promoting the goods and services they have and added to the limited time and energy because they still use the old way by distributing brochures and installing banners that are expected to attract public attention. But in fact, there are still many people who do not know the types of goods and services offered by SmartComp. The advantages of the new system are that people know what products are in the e-commerce application and can directly order goods and services online without having to come directly to the place where the business is located so as to provide security and comfort in transacting without taking up the time and energy they have.</em></p> Afrizal Afrizal , Arnio Damma Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL AKADEMIKA https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1118 Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:36:39 +0000 E-COMMERCE PADA TOKO IT SOLUTION JAMBI BERBASIS MOBILE https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1119 <p><em>E-Commerce is an online buying and selling system that connects companies or sellers to consumers in the form of electronic transactions. In line with the rapid development of the technology sector, companies belonging to small, medium and large industries, which are one of the many actors and supporters of economic activity in this country, are increasingly being encouraged to use advanced technology as a weapon to survive and win. Competition is getting tougher and tougher every day. IT Solution Jambi is a business entity engaged in providing services and selling computers. E-commerce at the Jambi IT Solution Store is an online comp&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; uter sales media application so that it is better known by the wider community, especially in the city of Jambi. This application is designed using Visual Studio Code tools, Firebase Database, React Native and React JS programming languages. The result of making this application is that it can provide convenience to customers in obtaining services and information about the services available in IT Solutions. It also makes it easy for business owners to manage all transactions made and in making more detailed reports.</em></p> Reny Astuti , Pariyadi, Maulana Kusaini Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL AKADEMIKA https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1119 Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:36:54 +0000 PENERAPAN UI/UX SISTEM INFORMASI SPONSORSHIP EVENT PT INDOSAT OOREDOO DENGAN METODE DESIGN THINKING https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1120 <p><em>Developing a UI/UX Implementation Application for the PT Indosat TBK Sponsorship Event Information System using the Design Thinking Method in a systematic and structured manner so that it can help Admin and Marketing Communication in recording and monitoring Sponsorship Events within a certain period. As well as a structured database system that makes it easier for admin performance to be effective and efficient. This is because currently there is no media available to process PT Indosat event sponsorships. With a database aimed at managing the application database, it can be built properly using PHP. This system has a small scale and involves only a few people in the system, namely marketing, admin and users. The aim of implementing the Pt Indosat TBK Event Sponsorship Information System UI/UX using the Design Thinking Method makes it easier to manage proposal data and create reports. This Information System inputs admin, marketing, user, proposal, micro cluster and agency data. Create an account for users so they can see the proposal status after inputting proposal data. If the proposal status is approved, then print proof of sponsorship letter for the user, so that you get admin, marketing proposal data reports and data reports per status. This application was built using Phpmyadmin, Cascading Style Sheet, Hypertext Markup Language. It is hoped that it can help Indosat in event sponsorship.</em></p> Novhirtamely Kahar, Sukma Puspitorini, Anjel Brilian Iswandi Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL AKADEMIKA https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1120 Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:37:21 +0000 PENERAPAN UI/UX PADA WEBSITE PENJUALAN ONLINE TOKO BANGUNAN ZULFAN REZQULLAH. https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1121 <p><em>Zu</em><em>l</em><em>fan Rezqullah shop is a shop that sells various kinds of goods and building materials which was established in 2018, in the shop providing various kinds of equipment and building materials needed in the construction sector. Currently the Zu</em><em>l</em><em>fan Rezqullah building shop still uses a manual system, starting from transactions, reports, entry and exit of goods and stock of goods is still manual and when serving some customers who buy goods in large quantities and with large nomina</em><em>ls</em><em>they still use notes, because the amount of data has accumulated and takes up a lot of space and uses paper making it difficult to find. Making an application at Zulfan Rezqullah's web-based building shop using system design and database design, User Experience User Interface design, using PhpMyAdmin and as a data storage medium, this system is made to be used by the admin. the researcher took the initiative to design a User Interface User Experience design for the sales application at the Zu</em><em>l</em><em>fan Rezqullah building shop to make interactions between users and products easier, effective, and fun and also for users to access applications at the Zu</em><em>l</em><em>fan Rezqullah building shop.</em></p> Teuku Djauhari, Ezrifal Sany, Sailani Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL AKADEMIKA https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1121 Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:37:36 +0000 SENTIMEN ANALISIS PENGGUNA TWITTER TERHADAP SEA GAMES 2023 DENGAN METODE NAIVE BAYES https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1125 <p><em>The development of computers and telecommunications has made people often express their opinions through social media Twitter. As recently, after the 2023 SEA Games were held in Cambodia, various kinds of tweets appeared from various sports. From this opinion, it can be seen that the country's success in holding the Sea Games by conducting a sentiment analysis. So this research was conducted to find out how the public opinion regarding the holding of the 2023 SEA Games using the Naive Bayes Classifier algorithm. The data used was 1888 data obtained by crawling Twitter data using the keywords SEA Games and RapidMiner tools. The division of training data and testing data is carried out into two comparisons, namely 50:50 and 60:40. The best accuracy results are obtained with a data comparison of 50:50, which is 70.15%, while a data comparison of 60:40 has a smaller result, namely 70.07%.</em></p> Wahyu Gumilang, Albert Riyandi Copyright (c) 2023 JURNAL AKADEMIKA https://ojs.unh.ac.id/akademika/article/view/1125 Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:37:50 +0000