FORTECH (Journal of Information Technology) <p style="text-align: justify;">Fortech (Journal of Information Technology) merupakan&nbsp;media publikasi terbitan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) STMIK Nurdin Hamzah Jambi yang terbit sebanyak 2 kali dalam setahun pada bulan April dan November, berisi hasil penelitian para akademisi dan praktisi berkaitan dengan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Dengan&nbsp;berbagai macam bahasan meliputi Decision Support System ( Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Datawarehouse), Open Source System &amp; Technology, Mobile Computing &amp; Application, Computer Networking &amp; Security, Cloud &amp; Grid Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Information Retrievel (IR), Komputer Grafis, Game.&nbsp;Berikut ini template Jurnal Fortech&nbsp;yang dapat klik&nbsp;<a title="Tempalte" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Disini</a>.</p> en-US (Pariyadi) (Pariyadi) Wed, 22 Nov 2023 11:25:41 +0700 OJS 60 SISTEM INFORMASI LAYANAN ADMINISTRASI DESA KOTO TENGAH SEMERAP BERBASIS WEB <p><em>The Koto Tengah Semerap Village Office is a government agency at sub-district level, until now it still has several problems in data management, one of which is that the process of submitting correspondence for the benefit of residents is still manual and has the effect of requiring a long processing time until the letter is completed, because residents have to come to at the village office repeatedly, namely at the time of delivery and at the time of collecting the letter. Another problem is that when storing citizen data, it is still manual and can result in documents being damaged, lost and the risk of data not being updated. For this reason, it is necessary to have an information system that can be accessed by interested parties, both within the village and outside the village environment. The design of this system aims to implement and develop an information technology system as a platform for digitizing document submission in Koto Tengah Semerap Village, in order to overcome or minimize errors in the document recording process for local communities and shorten the time associated with administrative services to make it easier, faster and more efficient. In designing this website-based document management information system, the system development method used is Rapid Application Development and the PHP programming language.</em></p> Yeni Nurjani, Meydi Inda Aditya Copyright (c) 2023 FORTECH (Journal of Information Technology) Tue, 21 Nov 2023 15:36:19 +0700 SISTEM INFORMASI PENGELOLAAN KEGIATAN PENGAJIAN ANTARA MAGHRIB DAN ISYA (STUDI KASUS : KELURAHAN PENYENGAT RENDAH KOTA JAMBI ) <p><em>The current problem is the reporting of data on maghrib and isha recitation activities and the non-exposure of maghrib and isha recitation activities to the wider community so that many people do not know the maghrib and isha recitation activities. To design a web-based information system so that data processing can be effective, efficient and computerized that can be used by the data processing of Maghrib and Isya Studies Teachers (PAMI) in Penyengat Low Village to facilitate the process of managing teacher data. The research approach used by the author is qualitative research. The system development method used by the author is the waterfall model. The information system is designed using Visual Studio Code tools and uses PHP programming language with Codeigniter framework and uses MySQl database. For this reason, the Jambi City Low Stinger Subdistrict Office, specifically in the Social Welfare Office, really needs a tool that is more efficient and effective in managing data on maghrib and isya recitation activities by inputting data and displaying reports that can be printed out. With the design of this system, the Social Welfare Office is helped in the process of obtaining information about teacher data, mosque data, activity data, RT data, and student data. In making an information system design application for data management of maghrib and isya activities of Penyengat Low Village Jambi City, the author uses the Visual Studio Code application with PHP programming language for designing the application.</em></p> Irma Suana, Adelia Reza Yolanda Copyright (c) 2023 FORTECH (Journal of Information Technology) Tue, 21 Nov 2023 15:36:53 +0700 SISTEM INFORMASI GEOGRAFIS PASAR TRADISIONAL DI KABUPATEN KERINCI <p><em>Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system that is made quite interactive and can integrate spatial data, this technology system technology can allow information about the distribution of traditional and modern markets in Kerinci district. The existence of a market in an area is able to improve the economy and regional income. in Kerinci regency there are many traditional markets spread across several sub-districts in Kerinci regency. Currently, information about the location of traditional markets is still very little and not much information about the market is presented in the form of digital maps, because of that, researchers aim to design and build a web-based Geographic Information System (GIS) application that can provide information about the location point of the nearest traditional market in Kerinci Regency. In this Traditional Market Geographic Information System (GIS) research, researchers used Qualitative methods with a Descriptive approach, descriptive research aims to make descriptive systematic, factual and accurate about the facts in a particular area with waterfall modeling as a Geographic Information system development methodology. </em></p> Darex Susanto, Ezrifal Sany, Wiwin Siary Copyright (c) 2023 FORTECH (Journal of Information Technology) Tue, 21 Nov 2023 15:37:20 +0700 SISTEM PAKAR DIAGNOSIS PENYAKIT PADA KUCING DENGAN METODE FORWARD CHAINING PADA KLINIK HEWAN MITRA SATWA <p><em>Cats are one type of animal that&nbsp; is widely kept and popular as a favorite pet&nbsp; among the public. Cat health&nbsp; is very important, this is inseparable from the role of&nbsp;&nbsp; veterinary hospital&nbsp; clinics which are needed to perform medical actions on pets.&nbsp; The purpose of the&nbsp; study is&nbsp; to build an&nbsp; Expert System for&nbsp; Diagnosing Disease in Cats with the&nbsp; Forward Chaining&nbsp; Method at&nbsp; Mitra Satwa Jambi Clinic which is a system that can&nbsp; replace the temporary role&nbsp; of&nbsp; experts in&nbsp; identifying diseases in&nbsp;&nbsp; cats&nbsp; quickly and&nbsp; accurately, and Provide solutions to&nbsp; cat&nbsp; lovers to&nbsp; provide first treatment&nbsp; to cats.&nbsp; The results of&nbsp; the analysis and evaluation show that the expert system&nbsp; uses Forward Chaining&nbsp; in&nbsp; this approach using reasoning in the&nbsp; expert&nbsp; system which starts based on&nbsp; the information that provided to users in the form of existing facts.</em></p> Pariyadi, Afrizal, Ghitra Novraniar, Novri Adhiatma Copyright (c) 2023 FORTECH (Journal of Information Technology) Wed, 22 Nov 2023 09:57:27 +0700 PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI POINT OF SALES (POS) BERBASIS WEB (STUDI KASUS : MINIMARKET SMJ PAAL 11) <p><em>Minimarket SMJ Paal 11, which is one of the retail business players, has a desire to utilize web technology to improve operational efficiency, especially in recording stocks and transactions. Currently, Minimarket SMJ Paal 11 still uses manual recording for stocks and transactions. Given the growing and increasing number of customers, there is a need for an information system that can support the recording of stocks and transactions efficiently. This is expected to increase efficiency and provide satisfaction to customers, because the entire transaction process can be completed more quickly. This study aims to design a web-based Point Of Sales (POS) Information System with the hope of optimizing the process of recording stock and transactions at SMJ Paal 11Minimarket. The method used in this design is the waterfall method with PHP programming language, Apache webserver, and MySQL database as a database for storing data. This information system is run locallyhosted and can be accessed by several devices in one network, ensuring ease of access and use. With the presence of web technology in this system, it is expected that SMJ Paal 11Minimarket can keep up with industry developments, improve recording accuracy, and provide more responsive services to customers.</em></p> AHMAD HUSNA AHADI, Gustina Copyright (c) 2023 FORTECH (Journal of Information Technology) Wed, 22 Nov 2023 09:58:42 +0700 APLIKASI EDUKASI PENCEGAHAN PENYAKIT PROSTAT BERBASIS ANDROID (STUDI KASUS RS ISLAM ARAFAH KOTA JAMBI) <p><em>Prostate disease is one of the significant health problems for men, but awareness of the importance of prevention and treatment of this disease is still relatively low. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to build an Android-based educational application specifically focused on the prevention of prostate disease. This research was conducted at Arafat Jambi Islamic Hospital, and this application will be a relevant case study in an effort to increase public awareness about the importance of maintaining prostate health. The input in this research involves the use of the Flutter framework and the Dart programming language as the main tools in building educational applications. The output of this research is an Android application that can be downloaded and used by the community at large. The app will provide reliable information on prostate disease prevention, including steps that can be taken to keep the prostate healthy. The app will also provide advice on a healthy diet, and an active lifestyle. The expected outcome of this research is an increase in the knowledge and awareness of the public, especially men, about prostate disease prevention. Thus, it is hoped that the number of cases of prostate disease that are detected late can be reduced, improving the quality of life of men, and reducing the negative impact of this disease on society.</em></p> Novhirtamely Kahar, Irma Suana, M. Roza Pahlevi Copyright (c) 2023 FORTECH (Journal of Information Technology) Wed, 22 Nov 2023 09:59:21 +0700 ANALISIS SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PEMILIHAN GURU TERBAIK DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE WASPAS DI SMK NEGERI 3 MUARO JAMBI <p><em>SMK Negeri 3 Muaro Jambi is a vocational high school in Taman Rajo District, Muaro Jambi District, Jambi Province. At the end of each school year, The principal of SMK Negeri 3 Muaro Jambi has been selecting teachers achievement. The principal identifies outstanding teachers at SMK Negeri 3 Muaro Jambi so far is still subjective. This selection was deemed less effective because it was also influenced by factors outside of the provisions of the criteria, resulting in conflict and decision results does not correspond to the actual decision results. Criteria used such as length of service, last education, class rank, competency and discipline of teachers. The research aims to examine related methods on Decision Support Systems (DSS) using Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS). The basic concept of the method namely carrying out a complex calculation process according to certain criteria has been determined to obtain ranking results. The results obtained are that The application of the WASPAS method can provide school principals with the ability to determine one of the outstanding teachers based on the highest ranking results.</em></p> Fattachul Huda Aminuddin, Nofi Nasritasari Copyright (c) 2023 FORTECH (Journal of Information Technology) Wed, 22 Nov 2023 10:00:11 +0700 ANALISA DAN PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI PRAKTEK KERJA LAPANGAN (PKL) BERBASIS WEB (STUDI KASUS : SMK NEGERI 4 BATANG HARI ) <p><em>Information systems are one of the most important needs of society in the current era of globalization. One important aspect that is needed especially in the field of education is school. With the application of information systems in schools can also help the school produce information that is accurate, timely and relevant. At SMK Negeri 4 Batanghari there is an activity called Field Work Practice (PKL). In this street vendor activity, the SMK Negeri 4 Batanghari school still uses a manual system in registering students which results in the performance of the school being less effective. The implementation of the street vendor system aims to build a system that can facilitate the management and reporting of street vendors by students and street vendor managers at SMK Negeri 4 Batanghari. This research was conducted using a responsive web. By using the PHP programming language and MySQL database where the authors carry out system development with design analysis, system design, UML (Unified Modeling Language), that is, can provide a visual or image modeling language to users of various kinds of programming and general engineering processes. Bringing together the best available information in modeling, table design and interface design. This system displays class data, department data, year data, supervisor data, supervisor data, student guardian data, student data, and reports that can be printed with the aim of being able to provide fast and easy information in conducting Job Training Applications (PKL). Responsive Web Based.</em></p> Lisdarti Lisdarti, Siti Hardianti Copyright (c) 2023 FORTECH (Journal of Information Technology) Wed, 22 Nov 2023 10:00:59 +0700 INTERAKTIF ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM (IPA) PADA SDN 28/IX TANJUNG PAUH <p><em>Learning media are tools for the teaching and learning process that can be used to stimulate thoughts, feelings, attention and abilities for learning. Natural Science (Science) lessons are a field of study that studies the universe, in learning activities teachers play a very important role in teaching. So that the teaching and learning process is not monotonous or rote, it is necessary to have multimedia-based learning media, thereby creating an interesting, interactive and fun learning process in following these subjects, especially about living things. Based on observations made by researchers at SDN 28/IX Tanjung Pauh, especially for grades one to three, the learning media used is still not appropriate, so science learning outcomes are still low and students lack interest in following lessons. Based on the research conclusions, it shows that science learning media applications can be used by teachers in multimedia-based learning facilities.</em></p> Ahmad Louis, Fattachul Huda Aminuddin, Theza Paramiza Copyright (c) 2023 FORTECH (Journal of Information Technology) Wed, 22 Nov 2023 10:01:47 +0700