JURNAL AKADEMIKA 2024-07-10T14:35:05+07:00 Pariyadi Open Journal Systems <p align="justify">Jurnal Akademika merupakan media publikasi hasil penelitian dari para akademisi serta praktisi yang berkenaan dengan teknologi informasi dengan beberapa topik bahasan meliputi sistem informasi, jaringan komputer, keamanan sistem, multimedia, kecerdasan buatan, dan sistem pakar. Jurnal Akademika dikelola dibawah Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat STMIK Nurdin Hamzah Jambi yang rutin terbit 2 kali setahun pada bulan april dan november.&nbsp;</p> SISTEM INFORMASI AKADEMIK PADA MTS S NURUNNAJAH LOPAK AUR 2024-07-10T14:35:05+07:00 Merti Megawati Irma Suana Jonifeak <p><em>With the goal of improving academic data management in decision-making in the educational environment, the Academic Information System is an application created for school administrative data processing needs. The waterfall technique will be used in this project to create a web-based academic information system for schools. It is believed that the creation of a web-based Siakad application will make it easier to manage academic data and make it even more efficient. On this web-based academic application, students can more quickly access and read grades as well as details about school events. It can be used at the school where the author conducts research as well as other schools that require it.</em></p> 2024-05-31T08:16:42+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIKA SISTEM INFORMASI PEMBAYARAN UANG SEKOLAH PADA YAYASAN MI NURUL HIDAYAH KOTA JAMBI 2024-07-10T14:34:59+07:00 Elzas Asrin Merti Megawaty Makrami Fitrah <p><em>MI Nurul Hidayah Jambi City is one of the educational institutions managed by the Nurul Hidayah Foundation whose school payments include tuition payments, Infaq payments, Book payments, Clothes payments, while the payment system is still carried out manually, namely with payment transactions that still use cards. Then it is recorded in the cash book every time the student makes a payment. The weakness of the system is that it is still done manually, sometimes the card is easily torn, damaged or lost, the payment data recap process is still calculated manually from a list previously recorded in the cash book. Another weakness is when students want to pay, they forget to bring a payment card, they only bring money, so an error occurs because the cash book shows that students have not paid. With this problem analysis, researchers provide solutions related to the problems faced by these agencies by developing a payment information system, where the system can make it easier for employees to access all information data about payments and make it easier to make reports. The data to be inputted are class data, teacher data, administrative data, student data and payment data. With outputs in the form of class reports, teacher reports, administrative reports, student reports, payment reports and payment recap reports. With the creation of this payment information system, it is hoped that it will facilitate the administration section in carrying out its duties.</em></p> 2024-05-31T08:17:15+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIKA SISTEM INFORMASI PENCATATAN PRODUKSI PAKAIAN BERBASIS ANDROID 2024-07-10T14:34:54+07:00 NURHASANDI NURHASANDI Sotar Rifa Turaina <p><em>CV. Aya Sofya is a Muslim clothing manufacturer specializing in Gamis, Baju Koko, Kemeja Koko, Jilbab, Mukena, skirts, Civil Servant Office Uniforms, and more. Recognizing the need for efficiency, the company implemented an Android and web-based Information System. This system, developed with native Android and Codeigniter framework, streamlines quality control, warehouse operations, and administrative tasks. Following the System Development Life Cycle with the Waterfall model, and aided by Unified Modeling Language (UML), the manual production recording process has been replaced, significantly enhancing effectiveness and efficiency. The frontend on Android allows quality control to record production activities seamlessly. Meanwhile, the web-based backend aids warehouse operators in tracking raw materials and assists administrators with payroll and report generation. This research underscores how the Information System has effectively optimized production activities for quality control, warehouse operations, and administration at CV. Aya Sofya.</em></p> 2024-05-31T08:20:27+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIKA SISTEM INFORMASI PENJUALAN BATIK DIANA (SEBERANG KOTA JAMBI) BERBASIS WEBSITE 2024-07-10T14:34:49+07:00 Nila Wati Riswan <p><em>Abstract: During this time another obstacle experienced by batik sellers is intense competition, it makes the batik clothing industry processors must have a marketing strategy that is different from its competitors. Then the constraints that exist in Diana Batik, namely the batik sales system are still using manually, and there is still no information about Diana Batik. The system development method that I use in this study is the waterfall method that resolves the problem gradually and can check again if there are improvements at certain stages. Through this application, it is expected to facilitate the sales process and information about Diana Batik quickly and precisely.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-31T08:21:24+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIKA PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI SURAT MENYURAT BERBASIS WEB (STUDI KASUS : DMPTPSP KABUPATEN MUARO JAMBI ) 2024-07-10T14:34:39+07:00 Lisdarti Lisdarti Randi Hendriansyah <p><em>Information systems are one of the most important needs of society in the current era of globalization. One important aspect that is needed especially in the field of education is school. The implementation of information systems in schools can also help schools produce accurate, timely and relevant information. At the DPMPTSP Office of Muaro Jambi Regency, there is an activity called archiving. In this archive management activity, the&nbsp; DPMPTSP Office of Muaro Jambi Regency still uses a manual system in registering students which results in the performance of the school being less effective. The implementation of the street vendor system aims to build a system that can facilitate the management archive at DPMPTSP Office of Muaro Jambi Regency. This research was conducted using a responsive Web. By using the PHP programming language and MySQL database where the authors carry out system development with design, UML (Unified Modeling Language), which can provide users with visual or image modeling languages of various types of programming and general engineering processes. Brings together the best information available in modeling, table design, and interface design. This system displays class data, department data, year data, supervisor data, supervisor data, student guardian data, student data, and printable reports with the aim of providing fast and easy information in archiving.</em></p> 2024-05-31T08:22:10+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIKA PERANCANGAN SISTEM E-COMMERCE PADA TOKO MADU AL-FURQON JAMBI 2024-07-10T14:34:34+07:00 Riswan Riswan Nilawati <p>Implementation of E-Commerce As Online Sales Media. The purpose of this research is to implement e-commerce website that serves as a media promotion and electronic sales. And know the obstacles faced in implementing e-commerce website. The type of research conducted is qualitative. This study took a case study at the shop Madu Al-Furqon Jambi. Techniques Data collection conducted by researchers using observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the research using e-commerce implementation by using online sales at Madu Al-Furqon Jambi store will be able to help reduce the cost incurred and can convey information in detail and quickly about the product to the customer, Based on the results of this study is expected to help shop Madu Al-Furqon Jambi to get maximum results and can compete with similar stores.</p> 2024-05-31T08:23:10+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIKA PERANCANGAN USER INTERFACE DALAM MEMBANGUN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS (STUDI KASUS : NARRATIVE TEXT & STORYTELLING PADA SMP NEGERI SATU ATAP 2 TUNGKAL ULU) 2024-07-10T14:34:27+07:00 Sri Mulyati Lailyn Puad Marini Silvianti <p><em>Technology is currently needed in all fields, especially in the education sector. Technology in education can be used for all kinds of activities, one of them is teaching and learning. On this situation, technology can be used to build interactive learning media, which must also be paired with an attractive user interface. Therefore, it can give a new impression to students and increase their enthusiasm for learning. In building learning media with an attractive user interface, supporting software can be used, such as Adobe Flash and Canva since this learning media requires attractive images, colors and animations to eliminate students' feelings of boredom. The school as the destination for this thesis research is SMP Negeri Satu Atap 2 Tungkal Ulu which still used a learning method that could be said to be monotonous, sometimes they still used a system where students only listened and took notes without any other activities. This situation made students tend to be easy getting bored. One interesting subject for learning is English, with material taken is narrative text and storytelling. This learning media contains a menu of instructions, materials, discussion videos, quizzes and evaluations, assisted by a good user interface. The development of this learning media turned out to be able to help raising students' enthusiasm, as evidenced by the questionnaire that was carried out which gave a result of 72.3% and was included in the satisfactory category.</em></p> 2024-05-31T08:23:48+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIKA PERANCANGAN STRATEGI VALIDASI DATA DENGAN PEMANFAATAN APLIKASI VALIDASI BERBASIS GMAPS UNTUK PRODUK INDIHOME 2024-07-10T14:34:21+07:00 Dedy Kristianto Lumbantobing Rizky Khairunnisa Sormin M.Safii <p>Guaranteeing the accuracy and completeness of data is a critical aspect in the scope of telecommunications services. In this context, this research aims to design an effective data validation strategy through the use of a Google Maps (GMaps) based validation application in Indihome products. The design involved an approach that combined GMaps interactive map technology, the React JS framework, and the MongoDB database. Using the React JS framework, an interactive user interface has been developed to facilitate the use of validation applications. Utilization of Google Maps allows visual integration of validation data with precise geographic locations. The use of the MongoDB database supports efficient storage and management of validation data, ensuring that the data obtained meets requirements. Application testing has been carried out to ensure the effectiveness of the designed data validation strategy. The result of this research is the design of an effective data validation strategy, through the application of GMaps, React JS, and MongoDB technology. This implementation is expected to provide a more accurate, efficient and intuitive solution in ensuring data quality in Indihome services. This research can also provide benefits for technological developments in the field of data validation and the application of map concepts in user experience</p> 2024-05-31T08:24:59+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIKA IMPLEMENTASI APLIKASI MULTIMEDIA DAN PENGOLAHAN DATA LAYANAN PADA KANTOR URUSAN AGAMA KECAMATAN PASAR JAMBI 2024-07-10T14:34:16+07:00 Novhirtamely Kahar Tamrinsyah Khoirotun Nisa <p><em>Pasar Jambi District Religious Affairs Office, Jambi City, Jambi Province. The function of the Pasar Jambi District Religious Affairs Office is to carry out marriage registration, reconciliation, mosque construction, zakat, endowments and other social services. This research is to build a Multimedia Application Service for the Pasar Jambi District Religious Affairs Office. The Service Multimedia Application is a comprehensive overview of marriage registration which includes information, registration, announcements, services, facilities and infrastructure as a back-up for the Pasar District KUA Service Multimedia Application. Therefore, profile and service data must be available, complete and accountable. Through thesis activities, Nurdin Hamzah University tried to create a multimedia service application at KUA Pasar which is located in Jambi Province in an effort to create a Multimedia Application for Wedding Services at KUA Pasar Jambi. Based on the identification of the problem, therefore, the objectives of this thesis research activity are: 1) create a profile of the KUA Pasar and 2) a Multimedia Application for Wedding Services that can be accessed computerized and programmed using the Visual Studio Code programming language, MySQL database, XAMPP, Capcut and Medibang Paint. The requirements for the KUA Service Multimedia Application System are: 1) The input required in creating the system is service video data, 2) The processes required for creating the system are the main page process, the history page process, the structure page process, and the vision and mission page process and 3) The output required is a video of KUA services.</em></p> 2024-05-31T08:25:40+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIKA PENERAPAN METODE K-MEANS UNTUK PROSES PENENTUAN BANTUAN LANGSUNG TUNAI (BLT) PADA DESA MEKAR SARI KECAMATAN KUMPEH KABUPATEN MUARO JAMBI 2024-07-10T14:34:10+07:00 Rike Limia Budiarti Lailyn Puad Rismawati <p><em>Direct Cash Assistance is a government assistance program that provides cash for the poor. Poverty is also a factor in people's inability to meet their daily needs, causing difficulties in meeting their basic needs. For data collection, secondary data came from various literature related to direct cash assistance. Based on the data that has been explained, the findings in the implementation of direct cash assistance are not yet optimal because various kinds of problems are still found, such as discrepancies in providing direct cash assistance, which aims to assist in the calculation process according to those who are less fortunate or who deserve assistance. cash straight away. To classify recipients of this assistance, the K-Means method is used to analyze an object that is included in the class attribute in the algorithm. The K-Means method is a method that aims to group several data based on the characteristics of the data quickly and efficiently. The tool used is Rapidminer software to calculate the data accounting level.</em></p> 2024-05-31T08:26:41+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIKA WEBSITE KELURAHAN SOLOK SIPIN 2024-07-10T14:34:04+07:00 Lucy Simorangkir Anugerah Sukmana <p><em>The smallest government agency at village level is the sub-district office, which is an agency that handles population data processing, especially in the process of making family cards, birth certificates, death certificates, immigrant certificates and moving certificates. In terms of data processing, Kelurahan Solok Sipin still experiences several obstacles, resulting in a long time in making reports. To overcome this, a web-based application is needed to speed up or simplify work and data and provide information more quickly and accurately. This application aims to make it easier for sub-district officials to improve population data collection and reports. The input requirements are admin data, population data, family card data, transfer mutation data, migrant mutation data, and birth event data. For process requirements, namely population data processing, family card data processing, transfer and immigrant mutation data processing, and processing data on birth and death events. The output requirements are population data reports, family card data reports, migration transfer data reports, migrant mutation data reports, and birth event data reports. So the expected results in this research are wide accessibility, no installation required, and updates can be automatic.</em></p> 2024-05-31T08:27:55+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIKA PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BILANGAN CACAH BERBASIS ANDORID UNTUK SISWA SD/MI DENGAN METODE ADAPTIVE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT 2024-07-10T14:33:58+07:00 mei prabowo Mohd Syafiq <p><em>Development of Andorid-Based Learning Media on Whole Numbers for Elementary/MI Students Using the Adaptive Software Development Method, The purpose of this study is to develop an Android-based whole number learning media application for SD/MI using the Adaptive Software Development method. The development of this application is divided into 2 iterations. Functional testing method using black-box testing technique. From the results of black-box testing, it show that all features/functions run well and smoothly. The usability method is used to see user ratings of this learning media application. There are 3 aspects which are Learnability, Flexibility, and Effectiveness. The overall value of the usability test results is 78.82%. Based on the eligibility category, the value is included in the feasible category. So that this android-based whole number learning media application is feasible to implement</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-05-31T08:28:38+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIKA SIPUKET (SISTEM INFORMASI PELAYANAN UMUM PEMBUATAN SURAT KETERANGAN) BERBASIS WEB PADA KELURAHAN TEGALMUNJUL 2024-07-10T14:33:53+07:00 Nining Suryani Tino Hidayat Evy Priyanti Girman Sihombing <p><em>People in the Tegalmunjul sub-district are forced to travel home to retrieve personal files or documents that do not meet the requirements for making a certificate because the system is still operated manually. Examples of these documents include incomplete KTP, KK, or other personal documents that are required for making a certificate. People typically have to wait a very long period to receive a certificate. Time is lost waiting for the letter to be written, making this less efficient and effective. For all system requirements to be satisfied, a system or software must be in place that allows individuals to simply pick up the completed letter, initials, and stamp subdistrict. In this study, correspondence software is developed using the prototype technique in the hopes of improving the effectiveness of correspondence activities for the community.</em></p> 2024-06-05T09:34:54+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIKA IMPLEMENTASI ALGORITMA BACKPROPAGATION DALAM MEMPREDIKSI JUMLAH PERKAWINAN TIDAK TERCATAT DI SIANTAR MARTOBA 2024-07-10T14:33:48+07:00 Desti Aldania Iin Parlina M. Safii <p>Pertumbuhan penduduk diikuti dengan bertambahnya masyarakat dewasa yang membuat mereka meneruskan keturunan melalui perkawinan. Di Kecamatan Siantar Martoba terungkap 91.267 warga tidak memiliki akta nikah dari Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Pematangsiantar. Dibutuhkan prediksi untuk mengetahui kenaikan atau penurunan jumlah nikah sirih di Kecamatan Siantar Martoba pada tahun 2023. Metode Algoritma Backpropagation merupakan metode yang tepat untuk melakukan prediksi. Data pelatihan dimulai tahun 2017-2021 dengan target tahun 2021, data pengujian dimulai tahun 2018-2022 dengan target tahun 2022. Dalam penelitian ini, mengaplikasikan arsitektur jaringan yang diimplementasikan pada aplikasi matlab. Berdasarkan arsitektur terbaik yang dihasilkan pada penelitian ini yaitu arsitektur 4-66-1 dengan akurasi sebesar 86% dengan mean square error sebesar 0.00009995 dan epoch 1897 literations dalam waktu 34 detik untuk mencapai goal. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, jumlah nikah sirih di tahun 2023 meningkat menjadi 4.366 di seluruh Kabupaten Siantar Martoba.</p> <p>Kata kunci: JST, Algoritma, Backpropagation, Kecerdasan Buatan, Perkawinan Tidak Tercatat</p> <p>&nbsp;Population growth is accompanied by an increase in adult society which enables them to continue their offspring through marriage. In Siantar Martoba District, it was revealed that 91,267 residents did not have a marriage certificate from the Pematangsiantar City Population and Civil Registration Service. Predictions are needed to determine the increase or decrease in the number of betel marriages in Siantar Martoba District in 2023. The Backpropagation Algorithm method is the right method for making predictions. Training data starts in 2017-2021 with a target of 2021, testing data starts in 2018-2022 with a target of 2022. In this research, the network architecture implemented in the Matlab application is applied. Based on the best architecture produced in this research, namely the 4-66-1 architecture with an accuracy of 86% with a mean square error of 0.00009995 and epoch 1897 literations in 34 seconds to achieve the goal. Based on the results of this research, the number of betel marriages in 2023 will increase to 4,366 throughout Siantar Martoba Regency.</p> <p>Keywords: Artificial Neural Networks, Algorithms, Backpropagation, Artificial Intelligence, Unregistered Marriages</p> 2024-06-05T09:37:20+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL AKADEMIKA