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Ezrifal Sany


An application is a sub-class of computer software that directly utilizes a computer's ability to perform a task that the user wants (Wikipedia, 2012). Applications can also be said to translate commands run by computer users to be forwarded to or processed by the hardware. In general, applications can be divided into 3 levels, namely the application program level (application programs such as Microsoft Office), the operating system level (operating systems such as Microsoft Windows), and the programming language level (eg PHP). The application of applications to a business unit is very important in recording all transaction activities carried out. Because the more advanced the company, the more difficult or complex part of the stock system is. With the increasingly complex problems faced, companies need information technology that can help the operation of a company, which aims to guarantee the right data source, the right quantity, and the right time. The drug stock data application at PT New Asiapharm is one of the solutions in helping every transaction process carried out. The application is built on a web-based which is more familiar today so that it is expected to be easier to operate.

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