FORTECH (Journal of Information Technology) <p style="text-align: justify;">Fortech (Journal of Information Technology) merupakan&nbsp;media publikasi terbitan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) STMIK Nurdin Hamzah Jambi yang terbit sebanyak 2 kali dalam setahun pada bulan April dan November, berisi hasil penelitian para akademisi dan praktisi berkaitan dengan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Dengan&nbsp;berbagai macam bahasan meliputi Decision Support System ( Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Datawarehouse), Open Source System &amp; Technology, Mobile Computing &amp; Application, Computer Networking &amp; Security, Cloud &amp; Grid Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Information Retrievel (IR), Komputer Grafis, Game.&nbsp;Berikut ini template Jurnal Fortech&nbsp;yang dapat klik&nbsp;<a title="Tempalte" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Disini</a>.</p> en-US (Pariyadi) (Pariyadi) Fri, 31 May 2024 09:12:38 +0700 OJS 60 SISTEM INFORMASI RESERVASI KAMAR HOTEL BINTANG TIMUR BERBASIS WEB <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>The Hotel Room Reservation management system is able to provide convenience in the daily reservation service process, which is capable of displaying and processing the information required from a hotel's activities, including the number and position of visitors, income, available booking rooms, booking list, etc. The design of this system is expected to make it easier for East Jambi hotels to process data related to hotel room reservation management. The aim of this Thesis for the Room Reservation Information System at the Bintang Timur Hotel Jambi is to facilitate the processing of hotel room reservation data at the Bintang Timur Hotel Jambi. The main elements in forming a system consist of input, process, and output. The input required for this system is input of employee data, guest data, service data, room data and room reservation data. With a process that includes employee data processing, guest data processing, service data processing, room data processing and room reservation data processing, which will produce an output report on hotel room reservation transactions. The software development uses Visual Studio Code as a text editor, a web-based interface is built using the HTML, PHP, CSS programming languages to facilitate the application development process with the PhpMyAdmin database. From this research, a design for the Bintang Timur Jambi Hotel Room Reservation Information System was produced which can simplify the processing of hotel room reservation data and the preparation of reports.</em></p> Windy Adriana, Elzas, M. Ikram Amirin Copyright (c) 2024 FORTECH (Journal of Information Technology) Thu, 30 May 2024 09:14:28 +0700 SIPMAMA ( SISTEM INFORMASI PELAYANAN ADMINISTRASI KELURAHAN ) PADA KANTOR LURAH MAYANG MANGURAI BERBASIS WEB <p><em>The sub-district office of Mayang Mangurai has administrative services, namely correspondence, the problem is that they are still using Microsoft Office Word with a copy paste system. In the process of requesting a letter, you need to come to the location directly and sometimes you must go back and forth several times to complete the letter. The purpose of this study is to assist and facilitate the population administration process at the Mayang Mangurai village office. The application is built using Visual Studio Code and XAMPP, using the PHP and MYSQL programming languages. This application produces information about the village activity program, profiles, the latest village news, and online letter writing services that can be accessed by residents in Mayang Mangurai Village. The input needs of this application are Administrators who fully manage Login Data, Admin Data, Population Data and Letter Data, Admin Login Process Needs, Resident Login and Letters, the output of this application is Certificate, Domicile Letter, Business Domicile Letter, Marriage Certificate N1, SITU recommendation letter and Certificate of Heirs.</em></p> afrizal afrizal, Yeni Kharsela Copyright (c) 2024 FORTECH (Journal of Information Technology) Thu, 30 May 2024 09:15:12 +0700 DIGITALISASI MANAJEMEN LABORATORIUM FARMASI PADA POLTEKKES KEMENKES JAMBI BERBASIS WEB <p><em>Laboratory Management is a systematic process that involves collecting, storing, maintaining, processing, retrieving, and validating data required by the laboratory to make informed management decisions. The Department of Pharmacy at Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan (Poltekkes Kemenkes) Jambi needs a management system that can handle a significant amount of data. The current laboratory management system is not digitalized, which has led to inadequate documentation of inventory data, borrowing and returning of lab equipment and tools, as well as other relevant information related to schedules and student final projects. Therefore, the objective of this research is to develop a web-based information system for laboratory management. The system will assist laboratory staff in managing data and information related to practicums and laboratory activities. Input data are inventory of laboratory tools and materials data, lab schedule data, and lab activity data. The system output will provide tool and material inventory data reports, as well as reports on the use and borrowing of tools and materials. This research has resulted in the development of a Laboratory Management Information System that assists laboratory managers in managing inventory and laboratory activity data.</em></p> S. Marwah, Sukma Puspitorini, Pariyadi Copyright (c) 2024 FORTECH (Journal of Information Technology) Thu, 30 May 2024 09:16:05 +0700 PENERAPAN LOGIKA FUZZY TSUKAMOTO BERBASIS WEB UNTUK KLASIFIKASI DAERAH RAWAN KECELAKAAN DI KOTA JAMBI <p>This study aims to apply web-based Tsukamoto fuzzy logic in the classification of accident areas in Jambi City. This method was developed by researchers at POLSERSTA Jambi city with the aim of increasing understanding of the risks of traffic accidents and helping make more effective decisions. Tsukamoto's fuzzy logic was chosen because of its ability to deal with uncertainty in the context of a classification involving various factors. The proposed system is able to take input data such as traffic levels, weather conditions, and road types, and convert them into a risk classification using fuzzy logic. The results of this system can provide guidance for traffic security officers and related agencies in managing potential accident areas. This research shows that web-based Tsukamoto fuzzy logic has the potential to be a useful tool in identifying traffic accident risk areas. However, improvements in data validation, optimization of fuzzy models, and collaboration with related parties need to be made to ensure the accuracy and usefulness of this system in improving traffic safety in Jambi City</p> Irma Suana, Junaidi Surya Copyright (c) 2024 FORTECH (Journal of Information Technology) Thu, 30 May 2024 09:16:55 +0700 APLIKASI ARSIP SURAT MASUK DAN SURAT KELUAR PADA DINAS KOPERASI DAN UMKM PROVINSI JAMBI BERBASIS WEB <p>Mail management in an organization plays an important role in the administrative process. In this case, the correspondence management system is one of the influencing factors in the management of letters at the Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Provinsi Jambi. So it is hoped that the process of managing letters, both incoming and outgoing letters, can be carried out more, better, faster and easier. With the incoming and outgoing letters application, it can reduce the use of quite a long time in archiving letters and disposition, reduce the use of paper, reduces the possibility of errors in recording, speeds up the process of searching for letters, makes it easier to control the disposition of letters, and is easy to use. The design of this application also makes it easier to communicate data between departments and create reports that are always up to date and can be seen based on monthly and annual reports. Design This incoming and outgoing mail application was created using tools such as PHPMyAdmin, MySQL as the database and Wamp as the offline server. The results of this research are the design of the application for incoming and outgoing letters at the Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Provinsi Jambi, and it can be concluded that the design of this application provides a lot of convenience in the process of managing letters.</p> <p>This research was conducted to create an archiving application, which can manage incoming and outgoing mail effectively according to the flow determined by the Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Provinsi Jambi. Filing of letters is carried out electronically, namely storing softcopy documents, and is equipped with reports of incoming and outgoing letters. The research methods used to solve various problems that occur are literature, observation, interviews, data and system analysis, system design, program creation, program testing, program implementation. What results from this research is to produce an application that can manage incoming and outgoing mail according to the specified flow, and can solve current problems</p> Ahmad Louis, Afrizal, Rezky Damayanti Copyright (c) 2024 FORTECH (Journal of Information Technology) Thu, 30 May 2024 09:17:37 +0700 A GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) COFFEE SHOP DIKOTA JAMBI <p><em>A Geographic Information System (GIS) is an information system that can be used to provide information in the location search process. Therefore, in this research the author will discuss how to design and build an application that uses a geographical information system for cafe locations using a website-based application which aims to produce a location search application that can be used by users to find cafe information. This research was conducted to overcome problems for local visitors where visitors do not get information about scattered cafes, scattered locations are accessed online by searching via Google, the server will access the location of the cafe they want to visit.</em></p> Yeni Nurjani, Andini Hafsari Copyright (c) 2024 FORTECH (Journal of Information Technology) Thu, 30 May 2024 09:18:12 +0700 DESAIN INFOGRAFIS PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS MICROSOFT EXCEL PADA DINAS KOMINFO PROPINSI JAMBI <p><strong>The digital era demands that all forms of activities be carried out quickly, effectively and efficiently, using the latest technology. In the current era of technological reform 4.0, various information can be obtained in a short time via smart devices with certain applications, one of which is an application for calculating learning values and infographic processing. Solving the problem of spending value and infographics on goods and services data requires effort and a calculation process. thorough and complex. In this article the author describes an application for solving the problem of calculating learning values and infographics at the </strong><strong>Dinas Kominfo Propinsi Jambi</strong><strong> Service effectively, quickly and accurately using Microsoft Excel software.</strong></p> mulyadi rusli, Merti Megawaty, Nabila Zahra Copyright (c) 2024 FORTECH (Journal of Information Technology) Thu, 30 May 2024 09:19:08 +0700