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Cyntia Rivatunisa
Sukma Puspitorini


This paper explains  about Veterinary Clinic Promotion Media and Pet Shop as an Effort to Increase consumer trust with the aim to facilitating  the  promotion of the product to boost sales volume, create a brand image in the minds of consumers to increase consumer confidence, as well give more extensive information about services that is provided at the clinic.  The web developer used PHP Programming Language as a display (interface) and Php MyAdmin as a database.  Admin input requirements for this website such as admin's data input, product's data input, information's data input, data input.  With user input requirements in the form of member data input, order data input and payment's data input.  The required process of this needs of this website are in the form of an order transaction process and payment transaction process.  And the output requirement of this website in the form of a bill of payment, member data reports and order history data reports.

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