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Muhammad Tulus Akbar
Novhirtamely Kahar
Teuku Djauhari


Designing a trial schedule application at the Bangko Religious Court institution, as a form to facilitate providing information to a number of related parties who need information about the trial schedule that has been determined by the Bangko Religious court. This information system provides many conveniences and can streamline the activities carried out manually with this built system that can be transferred using computerization to facilitate providing information, entering data and storing data safely and easily. The main elements of making data processing applications consist of input, process and output, while the input data used are employee data, party data, case data, trial agenda data and agenda type data. Processing data that is processed is employee data, party data, case data, agenda type data and will produce an output of trial data report. The report of the Bangko Religious Court session will be published to several parties who need it, of course the information of this trial must be known in advance by the Head of the Bangko Religious Court to be followed up as specified procedures. Software development using php programming language using MySQL database. From this research produced a data processing application design of the Bangko Religious Court trial which can facilitate the administration in processing data at the Bangko Religious Court institution to provide information about the trial schedule to the parties concerned.

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