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Mohd. Yuliandani
Teuku Djauhari


The high level of the visit of Jambi Indogrosir members is a reflection of the high interest in shopping from members. For Indogrosir members are the top priority for increasing shopping interest. Indogrosir members are given many interesting promotions. Because the number of existing members of Indogrosir Jambi has difficulty in being able to provide the right promotions for the members. To be able to provide the types and types of promotions that are right on target, an application is built to classify member data based on the number of member visits. The method used to build a member data clustering application is K-Means data mining. Data mining is the process of analyzing data to find a pattern from a data set. Data mining can analyze large amounts of data into information that has meaning for decision support. Data to be input by the user is in the form of member data, the number of visits, member shopping data, member shopping data based on the number of products purchased by the unit. The making of this application uses the PHP programming language and MySql database. The purpose of making this application is expected to help the Indogrosir Jambi in designing promotional strategies to the maximum.

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