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Ahmad Fadly
Reny Wahyuning Astuti


Ebb and Flow System or tidal technique is one of the hydroponic techniques that utilize the tidal principle. Provision of nutrients in plant roots is done by pooling (tide and receded in turn). Tidal hydroponics systems generally use a timer for the process of providing nutrients. The use of timers has several shortcomings, one of which is the provision of inefficient / wasteful nutrition. This study aims to design an automatic tidal hydroponics system to turn on and off the nutrient pump based on moisture content of the growing media with mikrokontroler arduino. The research was conducted at Females group named Fokus Usaha located in Jln. Raden Haji suhur RT 02, Penyengat rendah village, Telanaipura sub-district, Jambi province in April - June 2018. The tool-making procedure begins with tool calibration, tool system design, power supply circuit, equipment performance test and crop test. The results showed that the hydroponic Ebb and Flow System  design has been realized based on the water content of planting media. The value of the moisture control for the live pump at < 35% and the die pump at > 65%. Chili cultivation tests on automatic tidal hydroponics systems are better than manual systems, evident from the results of more efficient and targeted nutrition solutions. 

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