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Faiza Rini


The development of Mobile Learning Management System (M-LMS) is designed to improve the effectiveness and practicability of Human and Computer Interaction subject (IMK) in the study program of Information System in STMIK Nurdin Hamzah Jambi. Mobile Learning is a development of e-learning. Learning Management System (LMS) with the concept of e-learning model utilizes internet facilities and mobile devices. These concept is also known as Mobile learning management System. A survey that have been conducted to the lecturer of IMK as well as the students who take this subject indicates that in avarage of 90% of them own private mobile device whether smartphone, android, and laptops. To date, the result or outcome of IMK students tend to low due to the learning process that still use traditional way while the subject matter developed along with the development of technology. Therefore, it is conceives the importance of having a learning model by using Mobile learning Management System (M-LMS). The M-LMS that developed aims to impove the outcomes of students who take the subject of human and computer interaction. The objective of designed learning model is as a suplement in the learning proccess, thus it could increase the effectiveness and practicability of IMK subject. The research was conducted by using quantitative methods that involved 51 students (26 students from experiment classroom and 25 students from control classroom) and 3 lecturers who teach IMK. The analysis technique is done based on the result of  questionnaire on the implementation of learning model by using Mobile learning Management System. The result shows that the development of M-LMS on the  IMK subject that have been tested is supported both by lecturers and students.

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