Clustering, Asset, Fuzzy Clustering Means, Profile Analysis, Eucledian Distance, Matlab 6.0, PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VII.
Assets as assets owned by an individual, company or organization are tangible and intangible resources that play an important role in the company's operational sustainability. PT.Perkebunan Nusantara VI as one of the state-owned enterprises in Jambi which every year must manage asset data in such a way that it is expected that these assets can continue to offer benefits in the future. Profile analysis can help PT. Perkebunan Nusantara Plantation VI management in taking policies related to asset needs planning, procurement and maintenance and evaluation of assets owned by the company. In this study, Fuzzy Clustering Means (FCM) method used to classify tangible asset goods obtained from 2012 to 2017. Assets are divided into 3 groups with grouping variables is acquisition value, depreciation assets, and goods procurement quantity. The clustering process uses Matlab tools. The results of this study are assets profile of each cluster that categorize into Medium, High and Low Assets. From 96 asset data that clustered, there are 78 data categorize into LOW ASSETS (cluster 3), with Station Clarification Equipment has the highest number of items.