Analisis Model Sistem Absensi Karyawan Pada CV. Aneka Karya Bersama Dengan ProModel


  • Rayanda Ginting Universitas Nurdin Hamzah
  • Annisa idariani Universitas Nurdin Hamzah

Kata Kunci:

Absensi, CV Aneka Bersama, Karyawan, Model, Sistem


The increasingly rapid development of information technology from year to year is a challenge for users of information technology itself and encourages every organizational sector, both formal and informal, or other institutions to be able to use it to support work activities so that they can produce fast, precise and accurate information. CV Aneka Karya Bersama as a company in the service sector certainly requires good management in managing employee attendance data which will have a positive impact on the development and service rating in the company. So efficient work is needed to maintain its existence so that it continues to exist and is known by the wider community. Of course, in this case, a good system and model will certainly be very helpful in developing future performance. The purpose of this research is to analyze the employee attendance system model at CV Aneka Karya starting from the employee entry process and the attendance process, then the work preparation process, work location process, and absence from returning home

Biografi Penulis

Annisa idariani, Universitas Nurdin Hamzah

Teknologi Informasi





