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Author Guidelines
1. Introduction
kyberGov: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan published by the Department of Government Science, Universitas Nurdin Hamzah, Jambi Province, Indonesia. KyberGov is a multidisciplinary journal that generally highlights issues related to government and political sciences and public policy from the results of research, critical analytical studies, book reviews, and methodological and current practices. So, it offers valuable scientific sources for scientists, practitioners, and public policymakers to see different points of view on issues handled in various fields. Leading contributors worldwide provide research presentations with in-depth studies so that they have practical and real value with methodologies that can be applied in solving or reducing parallel situations.
2. Manuscript Preparation
- The manuscript is typed in Microsoft Word with a word count ranging from 6000-8000 words, including pictures, tables, and bibliography. Articles are written on A4 size paper (21 CM Cambria Font Format, font size 11 pt, line spacing 1.0, and spacing after 4 pt.
- The script does not contain elements of plagiarism; the tolerance limit is 20%. The editorial board will immediately reject manuscripts that are indicated as plagiarism. We use plagiarism software to check your manuscript.
- Manuscripts must be submitted via online submission using the Open Journal System (OJS) on the KyberGov E-Journal portal (http:) Select as an author, then "register".The manuscript should contain several aspects of the scientific article as follows: (subheadings in sequence), namely: (a) article title, (b) author's name (without academic degree), (c) affiliated author's address, (d) author's email, (e ) abstract and keywords, (f) introduction, (g) literature review (if any), (h) research methods, (i) research findings and discussion, (j) conclusion, (k) bibliography, (l) acknowledgment (if available).
- Subheadings included in the discussion section (Introduction, Methods, Findings and Discussion, and Conclusion) should not be numbered.
- Words originating from unusual or foreign languages are stated in italics.
- Tables and figures are placed in the text group after the referenced table or figure. Each image must have a description and source (Image Caption) below the image and numbered in Arabic numbering format, followed by the image title. Each table must be given a table title (Table Caption) and numbered in Arabic numbering format above the table, followed by the table title and source below the table. Image attachments must be guaranteed to print well in black and white ink (font size, resolution, and line spacing visible). Images, tables, and charts should be placed in the middle between text groups. If the size is more significant, it can be placed in the middle of the page. Tables cannot contain vertical lines, while horizontal lines are only allowed at essential points.
3. The Guidelines for the Manuscript Body Taxt
- Manuscript Title: the title must be informative and written briefly and clearly without giving rise to multiple interpretations. It must be right on target with the problem to be discussed. The title of the article does not contain any unusual abbreviations. The main idea must be written first, then the explanation. The article's title should be written in no more than 15 words, in Time New Roman font, 16pt font size, capital letters, boldface, and centered text format.
- Abstract and Keywords: Abstracts are written in the range of 150-200 words and are followed by three to five keywords and arranged alphabetically. The abstract must contain the research's objectives, methods, results, and limitations (optional). The abstract should be written single-spaced in Cambria font, size 10 pt.
- Introduction: The introduction must contain (briefly and concisely) the general background and literature review (state of the art) as the basis for new research questions, statements of recent scientific articles, main research problems, and hypotheses. At the end of the introduction, the purpose of writing the essay must be stated. They should be represented in the literature review to indicate new scientific articles.
- Method: Contains the type of research, time and place of research, targets/objectives, research subjects, procedures, instruments and data analysis techniques, and other matters related to the research method. However, the research method uses a literature review. In that case, the author is not required to complete the abovementioned elements but only include the type of research, research target/subject, and data analysis techniques.
- Result and Discussion: This section contain the data characteristic of subject/object/sample/ research respondent, data analysis result, testing instrument and hypothesis (if any), answer of research question, findings and findings interpretation. This section if possible, can be graphed for each research variable. Furthermore the descriptive statistic value was presented (Eg; Mean, SD, Maximum, Minimum) with its inter-pretation. In the end of thie section showed the hypothesis research result and its discussion com-pletely.
- Conclusion: Presented the research conclusion, implication, limitation and advise sequently. Implication is prac-tical advise from result research. Research limitation include things that can be metor researchers do in conducting his research. While the research advuse is advise for next research based on limitation that cannot be done by researcher in his research.
- Acknowledgments: Thank you to the parties who supported the research (sponsors and respondents). Family and supervisors are not allowed in this section.
- References: All references used in the article must be included in this section. In this section, all references used must be taken from primary sources (scientific journals and at least 80% of all references) published within the last ten years. Each article has a minimum of fifteen references and cites a minimum of 3 KyberGov articles. References must use citation software such as Mandeley, EndNote, Zetero, etc. Using APA style (American Psychological Association 6th edition).